
It’s not necessary to wash your labrador too frequently (2 times a year is enough), when you wash him be carefull to always use shampoo for dogs (shampoo for humans are not good as the Ph of the skin of the dog is not the same). Your labrador has an undercoat, typical of the breed, who protects him of the cold and of the humidity. You’ll see also that is a coat “self-washing” as when you go to walk otside when the weather is muddy, he’ll surely come at home not very proper, but after 1 hour, when he’s dry again, the mud is on your floor and not more on your dog!

The labrador has time to time problems as otitis, it’s good to check his ear and to wash them frequently with appropriate product.
It’s also nice to look the nails of your dog as sometimes if the dog doesn’t walk frequently on hard floor it’s needed to cut them. It’s not easy to do but you can ask your vet to do it when he makes the annual vaccination.
Your puppy has for the moment his first teeth, he will lose them at around 4 months and the adult teeth will come.
You can find teethpasta made especially for dogs to brush their teeth.

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