Over the rainbow
Unfortunatly, during the years, some of our labradors have left us to go over the rainbow, but they stay forever in our hearts.
- Mabrouk (05/07/1985-12/08/1997)
- Patache (22/06/1991 - 20/07/2004)
- Ubble (09/04/1996 - 16/08/2005)
- Ravel (11/03/1993 - 18/05/2008)
- Yahoo (03/09/1999 -03/07/2008)
- Iznogoud (24/03/2009 - 19/05/2009)
- Ushan (06/06/1996 - 09/12/2009)
- Tanaïs (28/03/1995 - 05/02/2010)
- Voltaire (10/04/1997- 18/03/2010)
- Lollipop (31/05/1999 - 11/11/2010)
- Bablut (12/08/2002-18/09/2011)
- Xamax (09/02/1998 - 22/11/2011)
- Yota (03/09/1999 - 10/02/2012)
- Cookie (07/10/1997- 09/03/2012)
- Amber (09/10/2001 - 27/04/2012)
- Xinga (09/05/1998 - 05/05/2012)
- Yena (28/08/1999 - 06/04/2013)
- Farouk (15/10/2006 - 01/06/2014)
- Mac (10/03/1999 - 09/07/2014)
- Dumbledore (30/11/2004 - 23/11/2014)
- Chocotoff (14/01/2003 - 25/06/2015)
- Ibiza (13/07/2009 - 29/12/2015)
- Ginny (24/12/2007 - 23/11/2016)
- Fly (09/05/2006 - 26/01/2018)
- Chéops (27/09/2007-11/02/2018)
- Kohlanta (27/05/2011 - 06/11/2018)
- Fantasia (31/05/2006 -01/10/2019)
- Glinka (17/05/2007- 16/11/2021)
- Ialta (30/12/2009 - 03/02/2023)
forever all presents in our life. Thanks for all the joy you gave us during your life.
Click on the thumbnail to see their pictures
Paradis-Rainbow |